Article written by Tim Mcmillan, Var Molongui_Authorship_Front_Params, Byline_Prefix, Byline_Suffix, Byline_Separator, Byline_Last_Separator, Byline_Link_Title, View All Posts By, Byline_Dom_Tree, Var Addbylinemodifiers Function, via on 09 May 2023
The Department of Defense (DoD) is requesting new authorities that would allow the Pentagon to initiate the development of new breakthrough technologies without explicit pre-approval from Congress.
”We cannot afford that time.” China’s ability to rapidly advance new defense technologies is a concern expressed by virtually every corner of the U.S.’s defense apparatus.
With the proposed legislation, the Secretary of Defense would retain the authority to waive certain oversight and reporting requirements for new programs.
However, the existing authority only lets the Pentagon buy commercial items or technologies already in development, not initiate the development of new technologies that have yet to be specifically budgeted.
His writing typically focuses on defense, national security, the Intelligence Community and topics related to psychology.